The countdown begins…

We leave THIS week. I can’t believe it’s finally here! We’ve been planning, booking, purchasing, prepping for months and now it’s almost launch time. I have tons of thoughts running through my mind. 1. Will all the camping stuff/ travel stuff fit in our van with all our suitcases? 2. Will my kiddos survive? They can’t go 30 min Down the road with out asking “are we there yet”, we will be traveling 5 weeks! Lol!  3. Grace…have an abundance of grace for each other, my kids, my hubby… 5 weeks is a long time traveling together non-stop! 4. I am overwhelmingly excited for what we will see and do together, the memories we will make, the friends we will make along the way, the stories we will tell for years to come, the way we will get to know each other on a whole new level. I’m pumped, stoked, and can’t wait to be all packed and pulling out of our driveway! Pray for me this week, that I stay focused and get everything together, for everyone! Thank you friends! 

Adventure Awaits

The countdown begins… we have been planning this trip for months and now it is finally about to happen. The whole family is anxiously awaiting the adventures in store for us. I’m so excited to make memories with my kiddos, To spend quality time with the WHOLE family, To get in touch with nature and create a whole new love for the outdoors. I’m just excited. Packing, planning and prepping for a trip like this is not for the faint hearted. It’s intense and stressful! But I am too Blessed to Be Stressed. That’s what I tell myself when I start feeling the stresses of life! Follow our blog, join us on our journey, I think you’ll love it. It is sure to make you smile, laugh, and possibly cry.